How to uninstall Photoshop Brushes and Patterns.


To keep Photoshop running smoothly, it’s a good idea to manage your brushes regularly and uninstall any brushes and patterns you don't use on a daily basis.



Uninstalling Brushes (.abr Files)

Step 1.

Go to the preset manager (edit > presets > preset manager) and choose "Brushes"  from the dropdown menu. This shows all of the brushes you currently have installed. 


Step 2. 

Select the brushes you wish to uninstall then click the "Delete" button.



Uninstalling Brush Tool Presets (.tpl Files)

Step 1.

Go to the preset manager (edit > presets > preset manager) and choose "Tools"  from the dropdown menu. This shows all of the brush tool presets you currently have installed (as indicated by the brush icon next to the brush name). 

 Step 2. 

Select the brush tool presets you wish to uninstall then click the "Delete" button.



Uninstalling Patterns (.pat Files)

Step 1.

Go to the preset manager (edit > presets > preset manager) and choose "Patterns"  from the dropdown menu. This shows all of the patterns you currently have installed.

Step 2. 

Select the patterns you wish to uninstall then click the "Delete" button.



Handy Tip

It's important to keep in mind that by following this method you are not deleting the brushes, tools or patterns from your system, you are simply uninstalling or "disconnecting" them from Photoshop. 

With that in mind it's always a good idea to check that you can locate any of your original brush (.abr) brush tool (.tpl) and pattern (.pat) files before uninstalling if you plan on installing them again later. 

If you can't locate the original files, you can always select the presets in the preset manager and click the "Save Set..." button to make a backup before uninstalling.




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