What's the difference between KraftTone, Debaser & Beat Tones


KraftTone VS Debaser

KraftTone and Debaser are similar in that they are both designed to create authentic vintage comic color effects via different methods with varying results and advantages.

The main difference is that KraftTone uses a simple brush-based process to manually "paint-in" color formulas, closely replicating traditional pre-digital processes.

Debaser, on the other hand, uses pre-composited (or pre-mixed) patterns and actions (Photoshop only).

Here are a few key differences for quick comparison. 

  • KraftTone is an entirely brush-based process.
    Debaser is a pattern and action (Photosohop) based process.

  • KraftTone can achieve up to 374 colors.
    Debaser can achieve up to 124 colors.

  • KraftTone uses the same process across Photoshop, Procreate and Affinity (great for multi-platform users).
    Debaser uses different processes for Photoshop and Procreate and is not available for Affinity. 

  • KraftTone includes dot and line screen color formulas.
    Debaser includes dot screen formulas only.

  • KraftTone textures are high contrast and applied on a transparent background.
    Debaser uses flattened "pre-mixed" textures that are a little "soft".

  • KraftTone textures are pre-separated, ready for screenprinting. 
    Debaser textures are not suitable for screenprinting.

  • KraftTone is designed for complete customization including distressing, ink, stain, and registration effects. 
    Debaser colors aren't customizable since the textures are pre-composited "fills" with a little distressing built in. 

  • KraftTone contains 5 paper texture templates.
    Debaser contains 7 paper texture templates.

  • KraftTone includes inking brushes in all apps.
    Debaser includes inking brushes in Procreate only. 

  • KraftTone is very easy to use and is suitable for novice to expert users.
    Debaser is a little more complex to use and is suitable for more experienced and expert users.

  • KraftTone Download Size: 1.2gb
    Debaser Download Size: 6gb

The real beauty of KraftTone is the amount of control you have over your effects since you’re creating each color formula from scratch rather than importing pre-composited pattern fills. You can add as much or as little distressing as you like, add stains with one tap and create your own registration errors. It's also very easy to export separations for screenprinting.

Debaser by contrast has fewer customization options but with distressing and print effects built into each pre-mixed pattern, the colors create an authentic aesthetic with little to no further adjustment necessary. 

What Debaser lacks in simplicity it makes up for in speed. There is a learning curve to begin with but once you've mastered the process, it's a little faster to use than KraftTone, especially if you like to change colors on a whim. In Photoshop especially, colors can be changed in seconds and Procreate is not far behind. 

In conclusion, both KraftTone and Debaser have their advantages and it largely comes down to what you are trying to achieve with your work. Many artists use both packs interchangeably depending on the level of customization or speed required and if you can only afford one or the other, you really won't be disappointed either way. 


Beat Tones VS KraftTone.

The Beat Tones brushes are designed for 1 color use (for example in spot illustrations) and can't be overlayed to create a full spectrum of halftone color formulas. 

KraftTone is designed solely for the purpose of creating CMYK color formulas and isn't designed for use with anything other than CMYK swatches as the color is embedded in the brushes themselves.




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