Adobe CS6 to CC2018 Support Ends February 2020

Commencing February 2020, all new True Grit Texture Supply releases will be compatible with Adobe versions CC2019 or higher only.


Affected Products:

Why are we doing this?

This was not an easy decision to make and it's come as the result of a perfect storm of Apple, Adobe, and Wacom compatibility conflicts that limit our ability to adequately produce and test our Products for CS6 to CC2018. 

Known Issues:

  • Coinciding with the release of OS Catalina, Adobe has dropped support for all 32-bit applications (CS6 to CC2017). 
  • Wacom tablets no longer support pressure sensitivity in Photoshop versions CS6 to CC2018 installed on any OS Catalina machine. This renders most of our brushes unusable.
  • The Photoshop brush interface in versions CS6 to CC2017 is now largely obsolete and represents what we believe to be an inferior user experience when used with our brushes. 

These compatibility and usability issues mean that it is no longer viable for us to continue making products for earlier Photoshop versions that require significant R&D workarounds but still result in an inferior user experience and inevitable upgrades for the end-user. 

Dropping support for these Adobe versions for all new products will allow us to reduce our R&D timelines and focus on the advanced features our users have come to love and expect. 

We feel that the vastly superior brush interface of the latest CC versions of Photoshop are reason enough for any user to upgrade regardless of your operating system. 


I'm using CC2019. Will I ever need to update to the latest version in order to use your Products? 

Most likely.

We anticipate that Adobe will be dropping updates and bug fixes for any app that is two versions behind the current version. This means for example that when CC2021 is released, Adobe will cease fixing bugs in CC2019 versions that arise due to MacOS and Windows updates. If there is a critical bug that makes CC2019 unusable, you will have no choice but to update. 

Of course, if you are a CC subscriber, this will not be an issue as you will always have access to the latest version so long as your computer meets the system requirements. 

I'm still on OS Mojave. Can I continue using my older CS6-CC2018 compatible TGTS brushes? 

Yes, but keep in mind that If you update your Mac to OS Catalina you will lose all pressure sensitivity in your brushes when using a Wacom tablet. Unfortunately, there is no workaround for this and your only option is to update to CC2019 or higher. 








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