Illustrator swatch and pattern libraries are saved as .ai files.
Our Illustrator swatch libraries are usually found in your download package in a folder named 'Install These Files' and contain 'swatch-library' in the file name.
To install do the following:
- Open the Swatches Panel (Window > Swatches).
- Click the Brush Libraries Menu in the bottom left of the Panel (the bookshelf icon).
- Locate the Swatch Library .ai file.
- Click Open to install.
The brushes will appear in their own Swatches Panel (not the main Swatches Palette).
To view your swatches by name, choose 'List View' from the fly-out menu.
To avoid re-loading your brushes each time you restart Illustrator, choose 'Persistent' from the fly-out menu.
CAUTION! This may cause sluggish performance on startup particularly for very detailed texture brushes. Proceed with caution if choosing this option.
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