How to install Illustrator Graphic Style Libraries.


Illustrator Graphic Styles are saved as .ai files.

Our Illustrator Graphic Style Libraries will usually be found in your download package saved in a folder named 'Install These Files' and contain 'Graphic-Styles-Lib' in the filename.

To install take the following steps:

  1. In Illustrator Open the Graphics Styles Panel (Window > Brushes).
  2. Click the Graphic Style Libraries Menu in the bottom left of the panel (the bookshelf icon).
  3. Choose Other Library from the menu
  4. Locate the Graphic Style .ai file on your hard drive and click Open to install.




The graphic styles will appear in their own panel


To view your graphic styles by name, choose 'Small List View' or 'Large List View' from the fly-out menu.   


To load your graphic styles each time you restart Illustrator, choose 'Persistent' from the fly-out menu. 

WARNING! Choosing 'Persistent' may cause sluggish performance on startup. Proceed with caution.



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