The most common causes of account login errors are:
- You do not have an account. This is very common, even if you have purchased from us before or if you are on our mailing list. Most users check out as a guest without registering an account.
- You are attempting to login with the wrong email address.
To check if you have an account registered, try the following:
Register a new account:
Try registering a new account with the email address you previously made your purchases with. Our system automatically identifies any previous orders made with the same email address and adds them to your new account.
You will be directed to log in if you already have an account registered.
If you are sure you have an account, try recovering your password
Use the Forgot Password to recover your password.
If you previously checked out as a guest you will not receive an email with a password reset link.
Please try registering a new account before submitting a support request.
If you just need to re-download your product files you can do so here.
You do not need to register an account or log in to use any of our discount coupons.
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